Interested in lowering your carbon footprint and your electricity bills? Eco-friendly light bulbs are the answer. 

The world of purchasing light bulbs has gotten a bit complicated in the last few years, but for good reason. Eco-friendly light bulbs are the best light bulbs for the environment because they’re energy-efficient and last much longer than traditional light bulbs. 

Here’s what you need to know about purchasing new light bulbs for your home or office. 

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) 

CFLs are the spiral-shaped energy-efficient light bulbs, which are the same fluorescent rod lights found in many garages and warehouses. Their claim to fame is a 10,000-hour lifespan and minimal electricity usage.

While they cost slightly more upfront than your standard incandescent light bulb, the Department of Energy claims that CFLs pay for themselves in nine months because of the electricity savings. 

CFLs put out the same amount of light as a typical bulb, but cost much less over time and save the environment from the disposal of many incandescent bulbs in the same timespan. They also reduce fossil fuel emissions by using less electricity. CFLs are a great option to start your journey in eco-friendly lighting. 

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) 

LEDs cost the most upfront, but Energy Star-rated LEDs last 15 to 25 times longer than incandescent lightbulbs. There are many benefits to LED lights, including their low electricity use. These are the best light bulbs for high-use lamps since you’ll save the most money that way. 

LED lighting fixtures come in an array of sizes for different purposes. Stadium lights, panel lights, and even ceiling lights can all be LEDs. LEDs also emit less heat than traditional lightbulbs because they convert 70% of their energy into light. This makes them a much safer option. 

Choosing Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs

When your lightbulb finally meets the end of its life, be sure to dispose of it properly.

Incandescent bulbs, when handled properly, can be used for DIY projects. Otherwise, wrap it up and place it in the trash. CFLs and LEDs have harmful chemicals like lead and mercury in them, so check with your local recycling center before throwing them in the trash. 

Energy Star is a certification you may have seen on appliances. It also applies to light bulbs. These products save electricity as compared to standard products. This tool can help you find the best light bulbs for the environment while saving some money. 

Make sure you know the wattage you need by checking your lamp or taking a photo. You can also bring your old light bulb to a hardware store and store clerks can help you find an eco-friendly light bulb replacement. 

Make the Switch

Next time your bulbs run out, consider switching to eco-friendly light bulbs. Not only will you save money, but the planet will also thank you.  

New energy-efficient lighting is coming out all the time due to increased demand. Although the world of eco-friendly light bulbs can be a bit daunting, it’s an important and minor change that makes a big impact.

Check out the rest of our blog for more tips on sustainable living and energy conservation tips!