The carbon footprint of humanity has multiplied 11-fold in the last 60 years. With this fact in mind, it should be everybody’s responsibility to consider how their actions impact on the environment. 

If you’re a landlord or a property manager, then you’ve got a responsibility to provide environmentally friendly rentals. 

What kind of going green tips should you be implementing to ensure you’re doing your bit for the environment?

Here are the top five go green tips for landlords and property owners. 

1. Make Recycling Easier

If you want to ensure that your tenants are disposing of their recycling in the most sustainable way, there are several things that you can do. 

If you supply waste and recycling bins in an apartment block, make sure that these are easy to get to, clearly signed, and well-maintained. Providing separate containers for each type of waste will ensure trash is easily broken down for recycling. 

To make it even easier for your tenants, you might want to consider setting up a valet trash service to collect the waste directly from the property. 

2. Use LED Lighting 

Using LED lighting in all of your properties will not only help reduce the energy bills for the property, but it will also reduce the overall energy usage. 

An LED lightbulb uses up just 16% of the energy of a regular incandescent bulb.  

The average LED lightbulb will also last 15 times longer than an incandescent bulb. This means you’re not throwing away bulbs every two thousand hours. 

3. Minimize Waste on Heating and Cooling 

Two of the biggest drains on your energy consumption come from your heating and cooling. By using smart thermostats in your home, it will be much easier to keep the temperature in the right setting. 

Often the problem with poorly managed heating and air conditioning systems is that during the colder periods, the home will be kept too warm, and during the warmer times it will be kept too cold. 

You might find that tenants will also leave the heating or air condition on when they’re out of the house. 

4. Reducing Water Loss

Although it may seem like an abundant resource, the world’s supply of fresh drinking water is running out. As a property owner, you need to do all that you can to reduce water wastage in your property. 

One of the most important things to do is ensure that there are no leaks. A dripping faucet could leak up to fifty gallons of water each day. By servicing your plumbing, you’ll ensure that there is less waste. 

5. Install Energy Efficient Appliances 

One of the most important things to look for when buying new appliances is the energy efficiency rating. Look for appliances that consume the least energy. Your tenants will appreciate that their energy bills will be lower and you’ll be helping the environment in the process. 

What Are Your Going Green Tips?

Taking action against climate change should be everyone’s responsibility, but as a landlord, you must make it as easy for your tenants to live sustainably.  What are your going green tips?

For more great articles about the environment and going green, be sure and check out the rest of the site.