carbon footprint facts

Whether you’re a recycling queen or you just found out about the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, you’re here for a reason.

You’re interested in carbon footprint facts.

Well, we’ve got ’em, and better than that, we can tell you what to do with all of your new knowledge.

It’s important to learn about how we impact the environment. From there we can make little, everyday changes that can save earth global warming.

Are you ready to go green in a big way? Keep reading!

1) Plug It Up!

Our homes are equipped with tons of tech that makes our everyday lives much easier.

From the giant fridge in the kitchen to the big screen TV, from our laptops to our phones, we’re always plugged in.

Where does that electricity come from? Fossil fuels and coal make up 67% of generated electricity.


Take a day to unplug from everything. Don’t watch TV. Don’t leave your phone charging. Enjoy a nice book or go for a hike.

2) Go The Green Way

You’ve got places to go. It’s unreasonable to be asked to give up your commute.

Besides electricity generation, transportation is the next big CO2 producer.


We wouldn’t ask you to stay home, isolated from the world. But there is a better way to get out.

Reduce the number of cars on the road. Take public transportation. Walk or bike if you’re able to.

If you absolutely must take a car, try to carpool. If we work together, we can save earth global warming.

3) Put Away The Paper

Here are some surprising carbon footprint facts – using paper makes your footprint grow.

How? To create paper, trees have to be cut down. This leads to deforestation.

With fewer trees to absorb CO2, it builds up in the atmosphere.


Try to cut down on the amount of paper in your life. Switch to electronic billing.

Reuse paper bags and recycle as much as possible. Sadly, only 34% of Americans recycle even though many goods can be made from recycled paper.

4) Keep Cool – The Natural Way

Whether in the sweltering summer or the freezing depth of winter, our central air and heating put out a lot of carbon dioxide.


This one is pretty easy – wear less in the summer and more in the winter. Learn to tolerate temperature changes and don’t just keep the AC running.

5) Don’t Waste Water

You might think water comes au naturel from your local lakes, rivers, and waterways without consequences.

Just like with the rest of our carbon footprint facts, water conservation is a key to reducing your CO2 output and save earth global warming. Purifying the water and getting it to you take up energy just like generating electricity or driving a car.


Do a water usage audit. Examine your lifestyle and see where you could cut down on water use.

For example, try a Navy shower – turn the water off while you’re soaping up and only use it while rinsing.

Carbon Footprint Facts And Solutions

These are just five fast facts to get you started. Now it’s your turn to get creative and dream up bigger and better solutions.

You’ve got a great starting point. What else can you do to reduce your carbon footprint?